[Watch] New ‘Rot’ Trailer Oozes with Tension and Blood
The Horror Collective has picked up the rights to Rot, a new horror film. The film stars Kris Alexandrea, Daniel Amerman, McKale Jude Bingham and was written and directed by Andrew Merrill. The film will bow via Amazon Instant Video this coming Thursday.
For those unfamiliar with The Horror Collective, their mission is to “foster a community of independent horror filmmakers and connect their films to fans, all done transparently and fairly. We provide direct distribution combined with a cost-effective, high-impact festival, marketing, and release strategy.”
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“I’m incredibly proud of what our team pulled off, and so grateful that everybody stuck with me through all the late nights, cramped apartments, and general craziness of independent filmmaking. I’m excited for Rot to find it’s audience, and I hope it will resonate with them as much as it has with me,” says writer/director Andrew Merrill.
Rot follows Madison after her ex goes missing, his friends expect her to lead the search to find him. But something vile has taken over his body, and what they find is worse than any of them could have imagined.
You can check out the bloody trailer for Rot below. The film comes to Amazon Instant Video tomorrow, November 19th. As always be sure to follow ScaryNerd for more of all things horror.
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