The Walking Dead: Lauren Cohan says Maggie’s story is “not over”
Fans were not happy when Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan both exited The Walking Dead shortly into season 9. Since then it has been announced that Lincoln will be returning for a set of Walking Dead movies. However, news of Maggie’s return and Cohan’s availability to make it happen have yet to be released. Cohan departed the show to star in ABC’s Whiskey Cavalier.
In November, Chief Content Officer Scott M. Gimple said that a Maggie Rhee movie was “absolutely a possibility.” Going further Gimple assured fans that we will see Lauren Cohan’s character at some point: “I will say that Angela and I and others really want to see Maggie back on the show. We have a lot of story for her that we want to tackle and we’ve talked about different ways we can do it. That said, if Whiskey Cavalier lights up the world, we’re still going to do Maggie stuff. We’re just going to figure out different ways to do it.”

“We’ll see what happens”
Luckily of fans, Lauren Cohan recently discussed her character for EW Morning Live on SiriusXM. While there, she confirmed that she is not out of the franchise, and that we will see Maggie again: “We’ll see what happens,” she said when asked if she will be in season 10. “There is definitely a lot of exciting ways [for it to happen]. And the universe, I’m still very much a part of it. And it’s not over. So, for me, that’s exciting. And I get so excited because we talk about different possibilities.”
Cohan also stated that she carries her characters around with her and is often thinking about Maggie.“I don’t ever feel like it’s [in the past],” says Cohan. “It’s the weirdest thing and I would never know it until I was in this situation, [but] I think about Maggie all the time. She’s always, like, inside of me. This sounds weird, but she is. It’s partly knowing the story is continuing, the story is unfinished. It’s partly having active conversations all the time with Angela and with Scott. But it’s mostly [because] in one way I was like: Wouldn’t it be cool if he had just some epic hero’s death and it was over? And then I get so sad because I’m like: No, because the potential for what worlds we could create — it’s like, ‘Hey, guys, you didn’t know this was happening, but by the way, come with us and come and explore this.’”

“That’s such a huge part of me, and my life”
The Whiskey Cavalier star got a little choked up as she discussed her connection to her roles: “I have goosebumps right now. I’m emotional. And I’m so glad and it’s so cool to kind of be this little walking house of stories that she’s there, and Frankie [from Whiskey Cavalier] is there. And obviously the impact and amount of time with Maggie, that’s such a huge part of me, and my life, and my life as an actor, and my coming to as an actor, and everything. So no, it’s definitely not done. I’m way too sentimental a person.”
Whether we will get to see Maggie in season 10, in a Walking Dead movie or even a spinoff, is still up in the air. But we do know that we will see the ending to her story in some way. So stay tuned for updates and follow ScaryNerd for more.
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