Tell the Coven: ‘The Craft’ Remake is Coming Our Way from Blumhouse
There have been rumors of a sequel/ remake of the 1996 film ‘The Craft’ since 2015. However, it looks as though Blumhouse is finally ready to move forward. Thus making 90s kids’ witchy dreams come true! The film will also reportedly be the first female led film for the horror production company. According to Production Weekly the film will be directed by Zoe Lister-Jones, and is based on the script she co-wrote with Daniel Casey.
‘The Craft’ is currently set to begin production this coming July and is categorized as remake. Meaning we will most likely see the story we know and love, be refashioned into a new age. This will be the first major studio film for actress-turned-director, Zoe Lister-Jones, who previously directed the indie film ‘Band Aid.’ In 2015, there was a script that was written to be a sequel, that took place 20 years after the original. However, those plans never came to fruition and were eventually scrapped.

Here is a brief description of the new film:
“A remake of the 1996 supernatural teen thriller. When starting at a new school, Hannah befriends Tabby, Lourdes, and Frankie & quickly becomes the fourth member of their Clique. Hannah soon learns that she somehow brings great power to the quartet.”
Although the film won’t center around the original cast of witches, its sure to entice a new generation of spell casting youths. Hopefully we will see a few cameos from the stars of the 1996 film, Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Rachel True, and Neve Campbell. While details are scarce, for now we will just have to wait and see how the project shakes out. With the recent success of reboots/remakes, like Evil Dead. And with announcement and excitement around Jordan Peele’s upcoming CandyMan remake, there is little doubt that more of our beloved stories are on the way.
The project has been confirmed but thats all we know so far. So stay tuned for more and follow ScaryNerd for updates!
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