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Stephen King’s ‘Revival’ to get the Big Screen Treatment from Director Mike Flanagan

Mike Flanagan Revival

Doctor Sleep/ Mike Flanagan Courtesy of Warner Bros

Director Mike Flanagan is clearly one of Stephen King’s Constant Readers. Last year he took on Doctor Sleep, and now he is looking to add yet another Stephen King story to his resume. Deadline has confirmed that the Hush filmmaker is returning to the Stephen King world. The latest onscreen feature adaptation will be the author’s 2013 novel Revival at Warner Bros. Flanagan is adapting with an option to direct, we hear and he’ll be producing with Trevor Macy, his Intrepid Pictures partner.

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Revival follows Reverend Charles Jacobs, a minister in Harlow, Maine. The reverend shares a secret obsession with a boy Jamie Morton, a draw so powerful, it has profound consequences. When tragedy strikes the Jacobs family, the charismatic preacher curses God, and mocks all religious belief. Many years later he reunites with the boy who has become a man with an addiction, but the reunion has repercussions for both men. Their bond becomes a pact beyond even the Devil’s devising, and Jamie discovers that revival has many meanings.

Flanagan and Macy’s adapted King’s 2013 novel Doctor Sleep which was a sequel to Stanley Kubrick’s classic The Shining. The film grossed $72.3M world wide. The pair were also the driving force behind the widely popular The Haunting of Hill House series and another King story Gerald’s Game, both at Netflix. Be sure to follow ScaryNerd for more of all things horror.

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