‘Ghoul’ Review: Netflix’s Latest Horror Mini-Series
In the not too distant future India has become ruled under an authoritarian state. Books are burned, schools closed, and people rounded up and sent to “reconditioning camps”. Broken up into three episodes, Ghoul is an interesting cross cultural horror story.
“Strike the deal with your blood…and out of the smokeless fire…the Ghul will come”
The story follows Nida a cadet, in The National Protection Squadron, studying advanced interrogation. A militarized investigation bureau of sorts, that is in charge of hunting “terrorists” that oppose the views of the country. After having turned in her own father as a terrorist, she is rewarded with a new posting, or so it seems. Nida is shipped off to a remote, off the books, interrogation compound. Shortly after she arrives, a high level resistance leader, Ali Saeed, is captured and is on his way to the compound.

“You will not know its presence…As it takes to your group…Awake or asleep, the nightmares will begin”
Saeed arrives at the compound and is quickly taken into an interrogation room, and beaten in attempt to get him to talk. As they try to break him he is placed in a temperature controlled room with loud music. While the guards sleep, they each have horrific nightmares that stay with them the next day. The interrogation begins and slowly Saeed begins to show he knows the darkest parts of the guards’ minds. With this knowledge he is able to turn them against one another. When Colonel Dacunha takes a turn, his secrets are revealed and he accidentally kills Saeed. Strange things are seen and heard, yet when the others rush in he’s completely fine. The guards decide its time to call for back up in the form of a vicious interrogator Faulad Singh. “Now let the games begin”.

“Finish the task…Reveal their guilt…Eat their flesh”
After being savagely beaten by Singh, Saeed convinces him to release his constraints. Saeed immediately escapes, and the guards scramble as they try to find him. The guards all turn on one another, and Nida is imprisoned. The guards receive word that Saeed’s body was just discovered, and it’s not fresh. So who was the Saeed they had just interrogated? All hell breaks loose as no one is sure who or what they are dealing with. Prisoners and guards fall to the dark figure, as Nida discovers the truth about this compound and her government’s tactics.
Should you watch it?
The Ghoul mini-series is an interesting look into horror made from a different culture’s point of view. Besides the annoying English dub , (we prefer subtitles) you will find yourself pleasantly surprised by it. I do wish it had more gore, and showed the Ghoul more. However, there are plenty of scares to satisfy the horror lover in all of us. What really works in this mini-series is the story. The Ghoul gives you a horror story of betrayal, and what happens when your sins come back to haunt you. We won’t spoil the ending for you, but this is a great watch if you’re looking for new show without the commitment of a long list of episodes. We here at ScaryNerd give Ghoul 3.5/5.
You can check out Ghoul currently streaming on Netflix

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