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Evil Runs Deep in ‘Conjuring’ prequel ‘The Nun’: Spoiler Free Review

New Line Cinema

The movie opens with a nun hanging herself in a remote Romanian Abby, prompting an official Vatican investigation. Enter Father Burke, a priest used to battling dark forces, and Sister Irene, a young nun just short of her final vows. They are tasked with finding out what happened to cause the nun to commit the “ultimate sin.” Arriving in the small Romanian town outside of the Abby, they meet the man who discovered the deceased nun’s body, “Frenchie.” Shortly after arriving at the Abby, to investigate, they discover that there may be much more to the nun’s death than meets the eye. Father Burke and Sister Irene stay at the property overnight, and all hell breaks loose.

Lots of Scares, Not a lot of Gore 

The movie continues in the same tune of the other ‘Conjuring’ films. It is story driven, with lots of classic horror imagery, and jump scares. There are a few bloody scenes, but if you’re looking for a gory good time, this film might not be for you. What really works about this film is it’s story, and the lore/myths of Catholicism. This film gives the history of the Abby, and how the demon Valak came about, without ever slowing down.

With a Bram Stoker-esque history, the ancient Abby is a perfect setting for the demonic figure’s origin story. The movie does a good job of keeping the story interesting, even if slightly predictable at times. The story moves along quickly, with tons of jump scares, general creepiness, with touches of gore along the way. 

The film makers make a great connection to the other films in the franchise, and tie it all together well. While arguably not the best of this series it is a welcome addition to the franchise. We won’t spoil anything for you, but it does connect the to first ‘Conjuring’ in a creative way. We here at ScaryNerd give this film a 3/5.

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