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[Watch] ‘Crimes of the Future’ Trailer; Body Horror is the New Kink in David Cronenberg’s Latest

Crimes of the Future


Today NEON dropped the trailer for David Cronenberg’s latest film, Crimes of the Future ahead of its Cannes Film Festival debut. The film was written and directed by Cronenberg and stars Léa Seydoux (No Time to Die), Viggo Mortensen (Falling), Kristen Stewart (Underwater), Scott Speedman (The Strangers), Welket Bungué (Pedro), Don McKellar (The Middle Man) and Lihi Kornowski (“Malkot”).

Cronenberg has a long resume featuring body horror as a concept, now it looks like he is going back to his roots. Fans can see from the trailer (below) that this film will be intense and possibly grotesque. But that what you expect going into a Cronenberg film, right?

Crimes of the Future synopsis is as follows: “As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. With his partner Caprice (Seydoux), Saul Tenser (Mortensen), celebrity performance artist, publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances.

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Timlin (Stewart), an investigator from the National Organ Registry, obsessively tracks their movements, which is when a mysterious group is revealed… Their mission – to use Saul’s notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.”

Check out the trailer and poster for Crimes of the Future below and the film will hit theaters in the US this June. If you want a deeper look, check out the French trailer just below the poster. Be sure to follow ScaryNerd for all things horror, sci-fi, fantasy and everything in between.

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