Writer-producer-director Jordan Peele on the set of “Us.”(Claudette Barius / Universal Pictures
Jordan Peele’s Next Horror Film Gets 2022 Release Date at Universal
Universal has officially slated Jordan Peele‘s next original feature for July 22, 2022. The studio basically had already the date set but just officially added it to the schedule for Peele’s next venture into horror.
This will be the Oscar-winning filmmaker’s third original horror film. Peele’s previous features, Get Out and Us, brought in a combined $510.5 million worldwide for the studio.
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While Jordan Peele hasn’t directed anything since Us, he hasn’t exactly been relaxing. He is working on several projects as a producer and writer. He helped to pen the script for Nia Dacosta’s upcoming Candyman relaunch, and is also producing a new take on the Wes Craven classic The People Under the Stairs.
While the details for Peele‘s next feature are always kept quiet, he usually adds social commentary into the plot. Which is nothing new to the horror genre. But unfortunately that’s all the details we have for now. So be sure to follow ScaryNerd for more of all things horror.
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